
Why now? Pfizer develops its Logo

Why now? Pfizer develops its Logo 639 426 admin

Pfizer International, the global leader in the pharmaceutical sector, recently unveiled a newly created logo that updates its trademark’s graphic elements. The launch began with a little film in which…

Social responsibility in marketing.. Ronald McDonald’s as a model

Social responsibility in marketing.. Ronald McDonald’s as a model 1000 628 admin

Simple and cheerful posters from a charitable project, to put it mildly, civilized and engrossing humanity, carried out by a non-profit organization called Ronald McDonald House Charity (RMHC), which is…

How much does branding costs?

How much does branding costs? 1600 693 admin

Choosing a branding firm can be a nightmare. Ask branding agencies for quotes and you will get prices ranging anywhere from $1,000 to $50,000 and up, and sometimes this includes…

4 Ways to Stop Overthinking

4 Ways to Stop Overthinking 864 864 admin

Overthinking is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness. Overthinking can create problems that weren’t even there or may not even happen in the first place. Most of the issues…

The New 4 P’S in marketing S.A.V.E.

The New 4 P’S in marketing S.A.V.E. 550 580 admin

The 4Ps of marketing, Product, Price, Promotion and Place, have been used by marketers around the world for decades. Because of changes in the environment, consumer behavior and business models,…

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